Posting To Your Community
Your Community is a great way to interact with your audience and keep them engaged with you. You can use it to provide valuable content, promote your webinars and services, or simply interact with your former and future customers in a genuine, valuable way that will increase both their benefits and their loyalty to your business.
To add a new post to your community, simply access your community from the top navigation menu and click on My Webinar Community then use the post title, body and attachment to share your expertise with your community.
Enter the following details:
- Your Post title.
- Your Post body.
- Your Post Category
- Your Post attachments Here you can attach a package, a webinar or a video file. Yor attached video file may either be an existing evergreen webinar recording or a new video that you can record or upload on the spot.
- To make the post hidden check the Hide Content From Community Feed checkbox.
- You can also categorize community posts by adding tags to them. Categorizing community posts will help your clients filter the posts based on the kind of content they would like to consume. Simply enter the tag you would like to add and click on the Add button.
- Once you have added categories you will then be able to filter them by selecting a category at the top of the community post feed. Your clients can click on a category of their choice to then consume content that matches their requirements;
Click on the Post Now button when your post is ready to be sent to your audience.
You can seach a community post using the search box.
- You can select packages from the dropdown if you wish to create a Freemiun post
NOTE: Community Posts are not sent out to members automatically. To email this post to members of your community, you can use the Select Members to Receive Email button to send the post by email. Posts can only be sent to each member once every 24 hours, so if you try to send more often than that the post will only be sent to members who did not receive it before.
In addition to sending the post out as an email to your community members, you can also click on the social media icons at the bottom of the community post to share them on Facebook, LinkedIn or Yammer
To Edit or Delete a Post, simply use the dedicated buttons at the top of your post.
Promoting Webinars
Besides adding them as an attachment to a post, you can also easily promote your webinars simply by opting to post them to your Community.
Tagging Community Members in Post Comments
Admins (only) can tag community members in the comments of community posts, so that the tagged person receives a notification that there is a comment for them - This is particularly designed to boost community engagement:
Need help with posting to your community? Book a call with the Webinar Launch Team